...TiM BuRtOn...
***known for his off-beat and quirky style***
Tim Burton began his life in Burbank, California, a suburban town where many a movie and television studios can be found. He was born on the 25th August 1958 the son of Bill and Jean Burton.
"Tim Burton has created some of the most outstanding dark, strange and stimulating creative visions in filmmaking history. His dark and evocative dreams come to life on film revealing an imagination lush with originality and atmosphere. He has an ingenious talent for creating haunting landscapes that come alive with an intensity and beauty rarely seen. His characters are inventive and inspiring and yet often on the edge of society."
His work includes:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...2005
Big Fish...2003
Planet of the Apes...2001
Edward Scissorhands 1990
A Few of Tim Burtons trademarks:
His movies always opens with a personal version of the studio's logo and in many films the beginning credits sequence has the camera going through something or following something.
Many of his films often include dead dogs, scarecrows and clowns which may be because his films often have a Gothic feel to them, including Christmas or Halloween scenes.
Plots often focuses around a misunderstood outcast and he often looks into the main character's past through a series of flashbacks (i.e. in Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).